Why I don't endorse Lord X in Rerun, the reason of which I have already expressed multiple times.
There are two main reasons as to why I have decided against Lord X’s inclusion in Rerun. First, I was upset with certain controversial individuals being associated with the mod while my character was in it, a prime example being Avery. Avery, even before what was recently revealed about him, had shown time and time again to be someone who would not be ideal to work with considering their past (note that I also disapprove of the character’s inclusion in other mods who were guilty of the same thing). The other reason (also being the reason as to why I chose to single out Rerun compared to other mods) is because I have had multiple issues with people from the mod up to this point which made me uncomfortable with my character starring in the mod. Ultimately, I hold my rights and wishes to have Lord X removed from Rerun and I would appreciate it if the mod team were to respect them.
The reason as to why I said no to Muto:
I am aware of how much time and effort you have put into Lord X’s content for the mod. Trust me, I understand that firsthand considering I have had to do the exact same thing and scrap months-worth of work for reasons entirely out of my control.
Your response is exactly the reason as to why I said no: you have proven to me that you are unable to control yourself and/or respect my wishes despite this.
The reason as to why I said “because no” to Nayu:
The fact that you have been pushing me for a reason to deem “good enough” when me saying no is a justifiable reason on its own just comes to show how immature you are when you go complaining on Twitter after I directly express to you that I did not wish to speak to you.
This is precisely what I meant by troubled/disrespectful individuals and is the reason as to why I no longer allow my character in Rerun. I would like to make it clear that this is nowhere near as deep as many people have made it out to be, just because I choose not to respond. I have already expressed before that the reason I choose not to respond is because I do not wish to indulge in any drama and/or incite it any further as these individuals have made me believe for the reasons I expressed that they will do so.
@SenorSwirls to build off of this we wouldn't have had a reaction like this if we ever knew a reason you could have told us in advance when you originally felt uncomfortable when we didn't have that much progress :skull:
To be honest this reaction is exactly why I didn't respond in the first place, the reason I look so in the wrong here is that these individuals can't seem to realize that until after the fact.